"I meant nothing but nonsense," says Dodgson. yeah, neither did I.
and yet we come to a checkmate after correctly having worked out the chess puzzle. the laws of the game. the structure.
The most essential thing in life is to establish a heartfelt communication with others.
what is the "world" outside of language?
and yet we come to a checkmate after correctly having worked out the chess puzzle. the laws of the game. the structure.
The most essential thing in life is to establish a heartfelt communication with others.
what is the "world" outside of language?
I would say language is just a tool for minds to connect, to experience spiritual communion, i.e. the purpose of life...??? without language we have art...??? without language or art we are just lonely minds desperate to be understood. connections. if there is noone in the wood to hear my tree falling... oh why live then
I feel like mismatching my clothes today
thoughts? I mean if we don't communicate then we are left silent with our contemplations, right?
unstringed contemplation is the world outside of language? pure thought matter that would end at the time of the person's brain death? so why live if not make it communicable?
Craig are you the leader of the internet grammar correction squad? Why not relax and add something to the conversation rather than just pointing out spelling mistakes? Have nothing else to do with your time, eh?
who killed floozy+
bird flu?
maybe flu south for winter ...wish i could. floozie i have a little nest in my chimney and you are welcome.
hahah. oh man you people and me laughing... flu south.. good one, floozie, bad ass, where did you go
were you on the phone? laughing on the phone, then? someone was. maybe that flooozy was sitting on the wire..
buggeryfucksticks. the leaves are falling off the trees help me dam and darn the holes. keep winter out. down with this winer thing. DAMN AND DARN THE HOLES!!
I've wired us a blanket. it stinged my fingers and tore my skin. I almost passed out a couple of times. but we'll be warm now.
fucking metaphors, the beauty of my life
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are you going ?
no, I'm here. if you're here.
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