Friday, August 17, 2012

I ran for hours. Aggressive beats.

Wir sprengten jeden Rahmen als wir zusammen kamen war's wie eine Explosion und ich schw?r'
ich spur' die Erschutterung immer noch ich weiss du rennst und doch bist du erst nah und da
wenn du in meinen Armen liegst ich geh' zu Boden wenn du nicht mit mir fleigst

engine cars were stopping to let me cross the street in front of them. Horse carriages were splashing sidewalks with their magic softness. Citizens were generally pleasant, as usual, they were flashing me with rows of their teeth

I danced for hours. apple pinned on top of a pen.

Oh Baby, bitte bitte lauf lauf gib nicht auf ich hab' dich vermisst es fressen mich D?monen auf wenn du nicht bei mir bist ich tu' was du verlangst hab' keine Angst ich lass' dich nicht allein denn uns geh?rt die Welt wir k?nnen alles sein doch jetzt bist du auf dich gestellt

Later, dwarfs, gnomes, elves, fays, goblins, gremlins, hobs and imps spilled out on my street under pure moonbeams to carefully and cheerfully help me shovel the snow.

It was light in the evening after lamps went out. It was light from all the snow, which remained in the same quantity but shifted into neat little piles for our convenience. Some of it still untouched on tops of tree branches.

A glass of wine.
to knock me out.
A hot shower
not to wake up throughout the night.
But I did, soaked in sweat, quarter to three, power was out.

Kids are swinging from the powerlines
Noone is home so nobody minds

It wasn't light anymore. It looked like non-existence.

After all the horror films I've seen in the last two months, I expect you, spirits and ghosts, to jump at me from the mirrors of the darkened bathroom where I throw off my soaked pajamas and stand for minutes looking at the window in the ceiling.
The sky observatory.
It is blanketed with snow and safe guarded mystically by the moon. All I am afraid of in the seclusion of this dark house are the engine cars. Horror films characters invade my conscience briefly, not causing any distress. Maybe I am one of them?

Naked, confident in the blindness, I walk back into the bedroom. Power out, not even 00.00 on the electric clock. my isolation from light is complete and comprehensive. privatizing. Power out, but not my mind

und deshalb Baby lauf lauf bitte gib nicht auf up ich hab' dich vermisst swallow me


Blogger dumbbell said...

Zosja, THAT was magnificent. The movement was literal and internal... and flowed so beautifully. Powerful stuff...

I wish you were my lover!

10/12/05 9:21 PM  
Blogger Zosja said...

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11/12/05 12:35 PM  
Blogger Pareidolia said...

please write more, i know i don't deserve it but i am starving.

18/12/05 12:45 PM  
Blogger Zosja said...

we justify each other
and sail off

18/12/05 6:03 PM  

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